
THL Etain ingen Uí Chonchobhair


Etain is the eldest daughter of the head of clan Chonchobhair in 900’s Ireland. She has mainly taken over the clan’s amber trading which has given her exposure to various cultures outside Erie. She supplements this income with occasional…well, it would eventually be called piracy, but, in this time period, it is just normal business. She enjoys singing, storytelling, brewing (and drinking) mead, and getting a sharp deal in trade.

Erin joined the SCA after she stumbled across a fighter practice in 2005. She enjoys archery, weaving, spinning, thrown weapons, brewing, and bardic. She has held the offices of Chronicler, Chatelaine, Live Weapons Marshal, and Exchequer.

Erin Bryant
Contact: excheq.nyd@meridies.org